A fragrant and beautiful lemon tree has always been a dream of mine to have in my home. With the help of Better Earth Gardens, it is becoming a reality! Ariel (the plant expert herself) is sharing her tips and tricks today for growing a lemon tree indoors.
Tips for Growing a Lemon Tree Indoors
Hey everyone! It’s Ariel here, and I am going to be sharing my top tips for growing a lemon tree indoors, like what you see in the Fraîche office! Here is my guide for giving your own lemon tree a new home. For more advice and inspiration for incorporating plants into your decor, follow me on Instagram!

1. Lighting & Placement
Your lemon tree will need a few hours of bright direct sunlight or bright filtered sunlight all day long. It won’t like a cold or hot draft inside, so make sure to close any vents that might be blowing on it!

Watering is so important! Let your citrus tree dry out in between waterings. To help, use my Knuckle Trick! Simply push your finger down into the soil approximately 2 inches deep (or to your third knuckle) and if it is just slightly damp at the tip of your finger it is time to water.
When you do water your lemon tree, water around the perimeter of the pot, not at the base of the plant where it meets the soil. Lemons do not like their roots wet all the time. It is really important they dry out in between watering. Misting your lemon is always a good practice and it will really like this!

3. Fertilizer
When there are no blooms or fruit use a citrus/evergreen fertilizer to promote new growth, blooms and fruit. This is high in Nitrogen which is good for promoting green glossy leaves and high in phosphorus to promote root growth and blooms.
4. Clean/Dust
Yes- you have to clean your tree! Keep dust off of your tree’s leaves with a soft cloth, warm water and Sunlight dish soap; make sure to get both sides of the leaves.

5. Harvesting
The lemon blooms are very fragrant! The lemons are typically ready to harvest when they are 2 3/4″ and 3 3/4″ long and bright yellow.

I would love to know where this pot is from
Hi Sylvia! It is from Better Earth Gardens in Kelowna!
Is that moss on the top of the soil? Can you water the tree with it?
Yes it is and yes you can!
Hi, how often do you water it and how much? I have a mini lemon plant here, but a few leaves are turning brown. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
Hi Emma,
You could be over watering it. They like to get quite dry before they get watered again so I was told not to water every day. You can also purchase fertilizer that you apply before they flower!