Ah… rompers. BEST. INVENTION. EVER! And now FIVE of you will be cozying up on the couch in front of the fire, eggnog in hand, looking (and feeling) like a million bucks sporting your new favourite Smash + Tess romper!
So, confession time: I have a bit of a romper obsession. But there’s a very good reason for it… they are SO cute and comfortable! I can’t get enough! Smash + Tess have nailed every single detail, and just when I think I have all the rompers I’ll ever need, they bring out another one that is somehow even cuter than the next! These rompers are made of the softest material, are stylish enough to wear outside of the house, and certainly comfortable enough to sport as pyjamas or loungewear. As someone who mostly works from home, these are basically my uniform!
From velvet romperalls to rompers with frilly sleeves all the way to their newest romper, the Holiday Romper (the shiny one in these pictures) that kind of blew my mind to be honest! It has the same comfortable feel but it is totally blinged out – I would wear this to a holiday party in an instant! And who doesn’t want to look sexy but secretly feel like you’re wearing your pj’s to a party?
For lounging at home, I’m currently crushing on their Friday romper – I have it black, mod maroon (pictured here) and chai latte (also pictured here). Putting it on instantly makes me want to grab a good book and a cup of tea.
Smash + Tess was founded by a mother-daughter-bestie team who is killing it, and I am so pumped for them. I LOVE hearing these stories about women with passion who are having fun and working hard to make their dreams a reality!
All the details to enter are below (5 separate rompers will be given away, so there are 5 chances to win). The contest is open to anyone living in the US or Canada. Good luck my friends! The winners will be announced at the end of the giveaways (after the 13th) once they are confirmed, I will post them on each of the blogs and on Instagram! You can enter ALL of the giveaways!

Thank you so much for these awesome prizes! Where will the winners be announced?
Great prizes!
I never heard of smash before but would love to try a romper.
Love the Friday Romper – thank you for including this on the 12 Days of Christmas!! Would love to make 4 of my great girlfriends happy with this gift (I’ll have to keep 1 for me as well) =)
You are so cute. You can make anything look cute!!! Love me a cute romper!!! Would love to win this and so would my sissy and close girlfriends.
OMG! This is on totally on my xmas wish list! It would be amazing to win one!!
Why is the competition not open to international followers?
Hi Caroline,
I’m sorry for the inconvenience, the boundaries are set by the companies who sell them! Thank you for following along!
Warmest Wishes,
OMG that holiday romper!!!! Excuse me, I have to go shopping. Thanks Tori!
Love these rompers!! I don’t think I could rock it quite as hard as you but would love to try ;D
I would LOVE to win this, so cute and lovely. Especially having 2 kids and i dont feel like dressing up haha
This is an amazing giveaway! 🎄⛄️🎅🏼
Love the SMASH + TESS rompers, this is an amazing cozy christmas gift!
Thanks Tori 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win this! Always wanted one of their rompers. Only you could make a romper look glamorous!!
I would love a smashtees romper simply for the fact that I’m always on the run. Would love to be super cozy with style! Btw. I think you are totally awesome. I love watching your stories❤️
So amazing. Love the romper
Looks so comfy!!!! Thanks for including these in the giveaway!!! 😊
LOVE this giveaway! I currently have a growing (pregnant) belly and feel like these would be SO comfy!
Wow! Happy Holidays
This is such a fun contest. Feeling festive!
You look adorable in these rompers. I am willing to try! Thanks Tori!
I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about how cute and comfortable these rompers are. I’ve got my fingers crossed!
Sweet – would be cozy all winter in one of these🙂
Smash + Tess is, I swear it, a lifestyle! Its my go-to weekend/after school apparel & such a fun gift for a friend needing some TLC. Would be a GREAT prize to win and surprise a girlfriends’ weekend with swag! 🙂 Thanks Tori & Smash + Tess for a fun giveaway!
They are so comfy – would love to win one!
These rompers are the BEST!!
Love these rompers, great giveaway!! Thanks for the chance 🙂
Looks so put together!! Would love to win one!!
I’ve been eyeing these for a long time!
The ruffle sleeve romper is on my Christmas list and would love to share with my closest girlfriends. Romper party !
Thanks for chance to win this amazing giveaway
I’ve been eyeing these rompers forever ! Would love to win them for me and my friends
Thanks for the chance to win this amazing giveaway !
I saw both you and Jillian wear these before! I definitely would love to wear this romper!
Such a fun give-away!
Obsessed with these rompers! Sooo comfy cozy.
I would be more then happy to win a romper!
I really would feal truly blessed…😊💕
Such a great Romper, and love Canadian companies!!
My favorite time of year
These rompers have been on my wishlist for yearssssssss!!!! So in LOVE!
The link on the entry for the Smash Tess romper is bringing me to the Baker’s dozen cookbooks… so not sure if there’s a broken link or what. Can’t tell if I am registered for the smash tee one or not…
The rafflecopter has now changed to the cookbook entry!?
For some reason the rafflecopter box on the smash Tess romper giveaway keeps bringing me to the bakers dozen giveaway so I can’t enter for the rompers? One of my friends is also having the same problem 🙁
The wrong Rafflecopter box is showing up for me (it is showing the Baker’s Dozen Cookbooks one!)
Love this romper sooo much. They are so comfortable!
Hi! The entry box for this giveaway is showing that it’s for the Baker’s Dozen prizes (which I already entered 🙂 ). Is the Smash + Tess entry box on a different page?
Such a beautiful blog & Instagram gallery!
Thank you for the amazing contests.
Have a wonderful day Tori!
Awesome. Looks so coszy. Thanks for the chance.
As someone that also works from home this would be a total game changer!
These are awesome! Entered!
I live inLos Angeles, California.
These rompers look so comfy and they are fashionable! Would love to get my hands on one of these — they look great on you!
Love, Love, Love the holiday romper! So cute just had to have one. {So sad didn’t have my size}
Tori you look just beautiful in it….. Just stunning
Merry Christmas to You, Charles, Charlie and Max ☃️🎄🎅
Thank you so much for sharing your family with us, I so look forward to your insta stories everyday!
Thank you so much Marci, that is incredibly sweet of you and totally made my day! Merry Christmas! xo Tori
Thank you! I love your lifestyle!!!
great GIFTS
These look SO cozy and classy!!!
Re: romper entry
I incorrectly put my Instagram in a spot where I was to put my Instagram name. Is there a way to correct it?
Hi Diane! It would be fine, I always personally verify the winners and would absolutely catch this and personally follow up anytime something like this happens! Happy Holidays! Tori
Wow you have awesome giveaway gifts.
Love the Roompers