If ever us moms needed a ‘time out’… now is that time (anyone with me!?). We created a Mommy Time Out Jar to help inspire you with quick simple ways to pamper yourself this Mother’s Day that won’t break the bank or take half a day (because who has time for that?)!
Max was having a ‘moment’ the other day (ok, it was a full blown tantrum), so I took a deep breath and calmly told him that he had to go for a time out. In true 3 year old fashion he turned to me and told me ‘no mommy, you get a time out’. Wait a second. That’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever heard. You don’t have to ask me twice.
But seriously, a time out? Yes PLEASE! Can someone also fix me a snack while we’re at it? It sparked an idea for me to create a time out jar for myself for those moments where I have just a few extra minutes on my hands or actually, when I really need to just pause and TAKE those few minutes regardless of how much is on my plate. I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly going, and the one thing that seems to constantly gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list is ME.
I came up with 15 of my favourite ideas for pampering myself in a pinch. Of course, the world is your oyster (or at least this jar for now), so get creative and create your own depending on what makes you happy! Throw them in a jar and put it where you can see it as a reminder to take that extra couple of minutes for YOU!
Actually, I would LOVE to hear your ideas for ways that you spoil yourself. I’ve come to realize that I’m a better mom, wife and friend when I fill up my own tank. And with everything going on in the world right now, I think it’s so important (more than ever) to take care of ourselves too.
So kids, feel free to give me a time out anytime, thank-you-very-much. Love, Mom.
Mommy Time Out Jar
- 5 Minute Journal with a cup of tea: I don’t have all day to journal (though the number of journals I’ve purchased over the years would seem to indicate otherwise). I love my 5 minute journal to just jot a few things down without the pressure of writing a novel.
- Take a Hot Bath: Taking a bath is one of my absolute favourite ways to pamper myself and why not make the most of your time in the bath and add some bath salts (this is one of my favs) or a hair mask to the routine? Simply generously apply your favourite hair mask on the lower half of you hair (damp or dry), wrap it in a ‘Mom bun’ with a scrunchie and let it sit while you bathe (wine optional). Bam, it’s like a 2 for 1 in the self-care department!
- Light a candle (I’m a bit biased but love this Fraîche candle) and read a book: I always have a half dozen books on the go (currently reading this one), and taking 10 minutes out to read a little bit and light a nice candle is the equivalent of giving myself a big hug. I swear I’ll finish another book this year (I think I said that last year lol).
- DIY face mask: Mash up a ripe banana or half an avocado with a drizzle of honey and a squeeze of lemon juice and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off. I actually love applying coconut oil to my face too in all honesty!
- Talk a walk around the block (ahem, without your phone): Immersing yourself in nature, even briefly, can make an incredible impact on your mood and wellness. It doesn’t have to be a 2 hour workout, just a little fresh air and a brief bout of exercise is sometimes all you need (or can fit in!).
- Exfoliate with a body or hand scrub: try out this homemade Pink Sugar Scrub (use any essential oil you want) to give your hands (and the rest of your body) a soft glow .. and leave you smelling amazing. It’s a great one to whip up for yourself (or have the kids make it for you or a special mom in your lives); it’s easy to make and all natural!
- Take a stretch break and 10 deep belly breaths. Just 5 minutes of stretching with a few cleansing breaths can help with posture, circulation and reduce stress! It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, even a minute is better than no minute of stretching.
- Watch the sunrise or sunset: I was running around the house the other night like a crazy woman cleaning and realized how disengaged I was. I stopped and just looked out the window at the beautiful view of the sky to truly appreciate life and take a deep breath. I need to do that far more often, life is way too short.
- Repeat affirmations to yourself in the mirror: This sounds silly but it WORKS. Don’t wait for someone else to say something nice to you – take care of it on your own, I promise that each of us has a mile long list of wonderful things we can say to ourselves beauties!! Follow The Birds Papaya or Raw Beauty Talks on Instagram for some real wisdom – I love those accounts!
- Make a Green Smoothie: If you need a recipe here is one. I swear you can hear your body say ‘thank you’. Freeze any leftovers in a popsicle mould for a healthy cold treat on a hot day (the kids will feel like rebels too if you give them a popsicle for breakfast, just saying).
- Create Something: I used to create little gifts for my parents when they were out on a date, draw portraits and cross stitch as presents (haha, I can’t believe I cross stitched through my adolescents), and am going to bring some of that back into my life. You don’t have to be artistic to create something – it’s pure therapy. I mean, you can even paint a rock… seems to be the ‘thing’ these days!
- Paint your nails: Freshly painted nails is such an easy way to feel a bit more glam, and it costs so little.
- Look at old photos. I have boxes of old pictures and LOVE making a cup of tea and flipping through them. I’m going to do that this weekend and look at pics of my sweet granny who I miss so very much.
- Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while: I am sure that we all have people that we think the world of but life gets in the way and all of a sudden months go by without talking. I know I do! I think that people especially need connection right now. If there is someone who is alone (especially an elderly person) reach out to them, they need you!
- Watch a motivational video online: Try watching a Brene Brown TED Talk (she is INCREDIBLE – love that lady so much), or if you only have a second watch this one – it’s the cutest!

Thank you for this post. I needed to read it this morning! ❤️